01:20 AM

The Truth About Baby Poop

How new babies leave clues about the state of their health

Hiding in a baby's diaper is a wealth of information, and many new parents understandably find themselves spending a lot of time and energy trying to decode the messages left for them - the amount, the color, the consistency - and what it all means.

So what does the content of a baby's diaper say about his or her health? And when should you be worried about what's in the diaper? Here's expert advice.

How Much Poop Is Normal?

"A lot," says Kenneth Wible, MD, associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Missouri and pediatrics medical director at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics in Kansas City, Mo.

"It depends somewhat on diet," Wible says. "Babies who are breastfed generally have more and thinner stools than babies who are formula fed. But five to six stools per day is pretty normal."

Read more via WebMD.