Kansas City,
11:09 AM

Children's Mercy is a Strong Partner in the Fight to Eliminate Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is an epidemic. Statistics show that for every three children, one is overweight or obese. This year, KSHB's Cynthia Newsome will highlight adults, children, families and groups working to prevent and help kids dealing with weight problems.

Children's Mercy has two programs helping children and families.

One program is called Weighing In, which seeks to align community programs to help prevent and reduce childhood obesity.

The second program is called 12345 Fit-Tastic! which is focused on five key healthy lifestyle behaviors.

Shelly Summar is the Interim Director of Weighing In. She explained that it's important for adults to be role models to kids.

"When children see adults exercising and eating healthy, it shows them that it is possible to make healthy choices, and it inspires the kids to give it a try," said Summar.

See the full story via KSHB 41