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Medscape: Milk Allergy Frequently Overdiagnosed

By Lorraine L. Janeczko

Many infants in some countries are misdiagnosed with allergy to cow, sheep, or goat milk, and they're prescribed specialized formulas they don't need, according to a consensus study.

"Milk allergy overdiagnosis is common in some regions and can potentially harm mothers and infants," the authors write in Clinical & Experimental Allergy. "These new consensus recommendations on the safe detection and management of milk allergy in children under 2 years aim to reduce harms associated with milk allergy overdiagnosis."

Jodi A. Shroba, MSN, APRN, CPNP, coordinator for the Food Allergy Program, Children's Mercy Kansas City, Missouri, welcomed the study's engagement of specialists in various fields and avoidance of bias from formula companies.

"Food allergies have received a lot of attention, especially through websites and social media," Shroba, who was not involved in the study, told Medscape Medical News in an email. "Unfortunately, a lot of that information is incorrect and can lead to misunderstanding and misdiagnosis.

"This article helps guide practitioners through identifying the concerning symptoms of milk allergy vs. normal infant symptoms," she said. "It can help providers discern when testing, elimination diets, and changes in formula are warranted.


Read the full article via Medscape

Children's Mercy Food Allergy Center