Kansas City,
11:04 AM

KSHB 41: Fighting COVID-19 from the frontlines: Megan Abbott, Children's Mercy

By Kevin Holmes

As a child life specialist at Children's Mercy Hospital, part of Megan Abbott's job is walking children through the process of getting a COVID-19 test before they undergo any procedure. And it’s a procedure she knows all too well.

“I’ve had it twice," Abbott said. "It’s not the easiest thing to describe.”

Abbott has shown symptoms and subsequently been tested twice for COVID-19. Every day, she works with the smallest, most unsuspecting people at risk for the virus.

KH: What’s the hardest part?

MA: “It’s overwhelming. It can be overwhelming for me. I feel like I have coped best by living my life week by week. Because the big picture is stressful. My kids are supposed to go to school. I don’t know if they’re going to kindergarten or second grade; if it’s virtual or in person. It changes so frequently, so the big picture is overwhelming. So, I’ve decided to live my life week by week and it’s helping.”

It sometimes feels like Groundhog Day. Every day, Abbott is decked out in personal protective equipment as a safeguard for both her family and herself.


See the full story via KSHB 41

Learn more about Child Life at Children's Mercy